The 31 strong ISDEV delegates that went to Medan recently touched down at the Penang International Airport (PIA) on Sunday 10 May, 2009. These delegates received a warm welcome from family members and well wishers who missed their presence after their 7 days/6 nights intellectual cum vacation sojourn. In line with the spirit of travelling as envisaged by the Holy Quran and the sunnah of Rasulullah (saw) the trip started with a briefing at the Penang International Airport by ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh who reminded the members to specifically invocate ( niat ) to Allah that the change of status of members to be a mussafir receives Allah’s blessings. In addition to the above as the journey is intended to train the intellectual, emotional and physical strength of each delegate, members were at all times to be mindful of the privileges and accolades and tests provided to a mussafiruun . Throughout the trip, the delegates moved as a Jemaah (Congregation) of ISDEV. In en...
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