On the afternoon of Friday, 17 June, 20 11, the Islamic Development Management Section of the School of Social Sciences gave the nod of approval to Farid Wajdi and Mulia Saputra to continue with their PhD theses. They presented their proposals before the ISDEV members at the Conference Room of C06. Farid Wajdi was first to present his PhD research proposal on “ Logo Halal di Sumatera Utara, Indonesia: Undang-Undang, Pentadbiran dan Penggunaan ” ( The Halal Logo in North Sumatera, Indonesia: Law, Administration and Consumption) . He gets the verification to continue with his research proper from Dr Zahri Hamat who evaluated his PhD proposal. Wajdi’s main supervisor is Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh whilst his co-supervisor is Dr. Zakaria Bahari. Farid Wajdi presenting his PhD proposal Thereafter Mulia Sapu tra presented his Ph D proposal on “ Tadbir Urus Korporat, Pengurusan Pendapatan dan Nilai Firma: Kajian Kes Syarikat-Syarikat Tersenarai di Jakarta Islamic Index (JII), Bursa Efe...