8 Nov - 10th of Zulhijah would be a historical event for all Muslims. 'Sacrifice', is a word which carries multiple meanings and interpretations for each individual, but for sure the story behind that date would be a lessons for all Muslims. In conjunction with the recent Eid -al Adha that was celebrated by Muslims all countries in the world, Ustaz Yasir also took the opportunity by recalling the events that took place between Prophet Ibrahim As and his son Prophet Ismail AS that led to the events of the Sacrifice. The story started from the beginning till the end of the events of the Sacrifice which had involved them both. The session become calm and melancholy when each attendees began to feel the sacrifice made, and are aware of the lessons to be collected based on the story. For women, Siti Hajar's sacrifices taught one that a wife must be willing to sacrifice her feelings to her husband and son who both wanted to obey Allah's commandments, and striving for Allah ...
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