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Showing posts from July, 2013

Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi in Ankara, Turkey

Opening Paper by Prof. Andrew Rippin:  "On Contemporary Scholarly Reading of the Qur'an" 28 July - ISDEV lecturer, Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi was given a great opportunity, to be among famous academicians of the world, as one of the presenters at the 1st International Symposium on Rethinking the Qur'an. With the theme on Quranic Worldview, the symposium was held at Gur Kent Hotel, Ankara, Turkey from 2 until 8 May 2013. The symposium was organized by the Research Institute for Philosophical Foundation of Disciplines. At the Research Institute for Philosophical Foundation of Disciplines The Research Institute for Philosophical Foundation of Disciplines set the main objective of the symposium to establish that whatever is termed as tasawwur (or worldview) must be built from the ultimate main source that is the Qur'an. First it is not right that a tasawwur is said to be an Islamic tasawwur if it is based on the mind and logic alone; second “Quranic Worldview” is a new f...


Suhaib reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Strange are the ways of a believer for there is good in every affair of his and this is not the case with anyone else except in the case of a believer for if he has an occasion to feel delight, he thanks (God), thus there is a good for him in it, and if he gets into trouble and shows resignation (and endures it patiently), there is a good for him in it [Hadith from the Translation of Sahih Muslim Book 042: Piety and Softening Of Hearts, Hadith Number: 7138] .


ISDEV  will organize The 8th ISDEV International Graduate Workshop (INGRAW 2013) for 2 days starting from 30 October until 31 October 2013. The workshop will be held at Universiti Sains Malaysia Conference Hall, USM Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. The deadline for the submission of abstract is  30th August 2013 . Abstract could be emailed to Azreen Hamiza Abdul Aziz at Further details of the Workshop are available at


And from [part of] the night, pray with it as additional [worship] for you; it is expected that your Lord will resurrect you to a praised station [al-Isra', 17:79] .


Dr Hajah Masnon, Ra'es KUPU SB, presenting a gift to Prof. Syukri at the Worskhop's Dinner 16 July - ISDEV Director, Prof. Muhammad Syukri Salleh and ISDEV lecturer, Ustaz Dr. Mohd. Shukri Hanapi were recently invited by the Kolej Universiti Perguruan Seri Begawan (KUPU SB), Brunei Darussalam in the capacity as facilitators for a workshop on Quality Assurance of Academic Management. A presentation simply from the heart by Prof Syukri The workshop was held at Mangrove Paradise Resort, Bandar Seri Begawan for three days from 4, 6 and 7 July 2013. The main objective of this workshop was to improve the understanding and management of the administration and management of KUPU SB highest academic administrators workforce so as to ensure quality and high standards of teaching and learning at KUPU SB simultaneously positioning KUPU SB as a more competitive educational institution globally in preparation of facing intense competition of the regional and international challenges of highe...


Ibn Umar ( radhiAllahu 'anhu ) reported Allah's Messenger (salallahu 'alaihi wassalam) as saying: Seek it (Lailat-ul-Qadr) in the last (ten nights). If one among you shows slackness and weakness (in the earlier part of Ramadan), it should not be allowed to prevail upon him in the last week [Hadith from the Translation of Sahih Muslim, Book 6: Kitab al-Sawm, Hadith Number 2621] .


Academic networking - Prof Syukri exchanging contact information with Zeineb Zouari from Sousse University (left) and Assoc. Prof Dr Thouraya Haj Amor from Monastir University (right), Tunisia 12 July - ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh and ISDEV Deputy Director, Dr Zakaria Bahari were on a 26 hour flight to Sfax, Tunisia to participate in the 2nd Sfax International Forum on Islamic Conference. They were there from 25th June till 2nd July 2013. The conference was organized by the University of Sfax and Tunisian Association of Zakat, with the cooperation of IRTI of the Islamic Development Bank. Prof. Syukri (right) presenting his paper, chaired by Prof Dr Dhafer Saidane from Skema Business School, France (fourth from right) The theme of the conference was on the Alleviation of Poverty Through Zakat, Waqf and Microfinance. Prof. Muhammad Syukri presented his paper on “Contemporary Vision of Poverty and Islamic Strategies for Poverty Alleviation”. His paper was meant t...

A NAS A WEEK - 29 SHA'BAN 1434

The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey - then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful (al-Baqarah, 2: 185) .


The Tazkirah : The Method of Seeking Knowledge based on Tauhiid 1 July  - The ISDEV Monthly Graduate Supervision for June 2013 was held at the University Conference Hall (DPU) of Universiti Sains Malaysia on Friday 28 June, 2013. The program started at 9.30am with a brief  Tazkirah  delivered by Ustaz Dr. Mohd. Shukri Hanapi who emphasized on “The Method of Seeking Knowledge Based on  Tauhid ” (Kaedah Menuntut Ilmu Berasaskan Tauhid). A serious Dr. Shukri delivering the Tazkirah Dr. Shukri used Surah Al–‘Alaq as a template to explain that in whatever one does the dependence of hope on Allah SWT should at all times be present. However the scope of his Tazkirah , by making reference to Surah Al–‘Alaq , was about seeking knowledge. He stressed that one must have belief that Allah SWT is the absolute owner of knowledge and when one has learned to have self-discipline, pray, strive and place reliance on Allah SWT in seeking knowledge then the knowledge sought will b...