The existing positive relationship between the Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) Brunei Darussalam is currently enhanced through a specially designed academic programme called "Program Makmal Sosio-Akademik ISDEV-UNISSA Pertama" (or MASSA@UNISSA) which began on 27 July 2015. Standing behind the banner, Prof. Syukri (front row third from left, standing behind the banner) and Yang Mulia Pehin Orang Kaya Lela Dato Seri Laila Jasa Haji Awang Abdul Rahman Haji Abdul Karim (on Prof. Syukri's left) welcoming ISDEV postgraduate students to Brunei Darussalam. A total of 22 ISDEV postgraduates students consisting of RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) and MISDEV (Postgraduate by Mixed-Mode) students left for Brunei Darussalam on Monday, 27 July 2015, led by ISDEV Senior Lecturer, Dr. Wan Norhaniza Wan Hasan. A briefing given on the students' accommodation arrangement...
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