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It was realized at the ISDEV In-House Seminar on 28 September that in Islamic Research Methodology, objectivity must be limited to `moralisitic objectivity' or `ethical objectivity' rather than `plain or absolute objectivity' as advocated and used by conventional research methodology. Moralisitic or ethical objectivity here means an objectivity that protects respondents' dignity and self-respect, based on Shari`ah.

That was one of the main discourses articulated during the presentation on "An Analysis of Research Ethics in Conventional Research Methodology" by Dr Mohamad Zaini Abu Bakar at the Seminar. Other discourses also include scrutinization on other research ethics proposed by the American Psychological Association (APA), such as limitation of capability and skills, protection of respondents' rights and dignity, avoidance of danger on respondents, protection and avoidance of abusement of respondents' secrecy, honest and unmanipulated presentation of research findings, and acknowledgement to those involved in realizing the research.

The Seminar concluded with an awareness that in Islamic Research Methodology, the factor that motivates a researcher's compliance of research ethical principles is iman, the practical application of the ethics is embedded in the principles of shari`ah, and the ultimate aim is to seek the truth and mardhatillah, the pleasure of God.
