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When carrying out a fieldwork, one has to be equipped with at least four abilities in order to extract maximum information and data needed.
The first is the ability to understand respondents' stance so that discussion could be done along, and not contrary to, that stance. The second is the ability to understand terms and talk of the day of the respondents so that the same language could be used to be part of the respondents and smoothen the discussion. The third is the ability to make ourselves important to the respondents so that they would not ignore us. And lastly, the fourth is the ability to justify the importance of the research for the respondents so that prejudices and uncertainties among the respondents could be avoided.

These are what had been developed and used by Muhammad Tahir (above) during his fieldwork in Bandung, Indonesia recently. He deliberated these during the recent Monthly Graduate Supervision held on 2 November 2007, to be shared by other fellow graduates and lecturers.
Muhammad Tahir is doing his doctorate on Tazkiyah An-Nafs in Islamic Development - The Case of Kopentren of Darut Tauhid in Bandung, Indonesia under the supervision of Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh and Dr Khairul Anwar Othman. He is currently writing the analysis of the findings from his fieldwork.
