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ISDEV will be preparing its Management Committee Member Fadzila Azni Ahmad (right) for her PhD defense through a mock viva to be held on Friday 15 August 2008. The Chairman of the mock viva will be ISDEV Director Professor Dr Muhammad Syukri Salleh while Dr Mohd Zaini Abu Bakar and Dr Zahri Hamat will act as "examiners". The title of her PhD thesis is "Management Methods of Islamic Development Institutions in Malaysia".

Such a mock viva is a normal practice at ISDEV aimed to familiarise graduate students supervised by ISDEV members with viva atmosphere and prepare them with all sorts of answers to questions that may be asked by the real examiners in the real viva.

The real defense is expected to be held on 26 August 2008 at 9.30 am at Institute of Graduate Studies.
