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Dr Shahrokh Mohammad Beygi (pic. above), ISDEV’s Sabbatical Scholar is returning to the Islamic Republic of Iran when his sabbatical at Universiti Sains Malaysia ends on 24 April, 2009. Dr Shahrokh who is from the Department of Persian Language & Literature, Shiraz University Iran was with ISDEV from 28 October, 2008. He was working on An Analysis of Tafseer Books Available in the Library of Universiti Sains Malaysia under the supervision of ISDEV Director Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh.

An unassuming man of benevolence character he never fails to present gifts from Iran such as hand crafted gifts, handmade delicacies of Iran and dates from his own garden, to members of ISDEV. Undoubtedly Dr Shahrokh has forged a strong bond between Universiti Sains Malaysia and the Shiraz University Iran. It is hoped that with his return to his homeland, the bond of Islamic ukhuwwah between Malaysia and the Republic of Iran can be further strengthened. Ameen.
A farewell lunch for Dr Shahrokh was held at ISDEV on Friday 17 April 2009.

Dr Shahrokh (right) with Prof Muhammad Syukri Salleh

Dr. Shahrokh with members of ISDEV during his farewell gathering
