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Br. Azrin and wife (left) and Dr Sukainah (right)
with Prof Syukri and wife (middle) at Masjidil Haram, Makkah

Two ISDEV members have been accepted as Visiting Researchers at Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They are ISDEV Deputy Director Dr Fadzila Azni Ahmad (a.k.a Dr Sukainah) and Associate Researcher Br. Ahmad Azrin Adnan. They arrived in Jeddah safely on Wednesday 28 April 2010 and went to Makkah the next day for their first umrah. They reported for duty at IRTI on Saturday 1 May 2010 and will InshaAllah be here for about two weeks, until 15 May 2010.

Dr Sukainah & Br. Azrin reported for duty to IRTI Director
General Prof. Dr Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro

Dr Sukainah is working on Philosophical Underpinnings of Islamic Management Method: Worldview, Epistemology and Ontology, while Br. Azrin is on Islamic Consumer Behaviour: The Need For and Position of Its Theoretical Framework. While here, they will undertake library research at the IDB library, hold discourses with IRTI scholars, especially with the prominent Islamic economists Dr Umer Chapra and Dr Salman Syed Ali, and on Wednesday 12 May 2010, present their research papers at IRTI Internal Seminar .

Introductory meeting with Dr Umer Chapra

We pray that all other ISDEV members too will be given opportunities by Allah swt to be at prominent international institutions such as IRTI-IDB all over the world, InshaAllah. ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh is also currently attached to IRTI-IDB as a Visiting Scholar. He is working on Islamic Management of Poverty.
