Muhammad Tahir (sitting, 2nd left) with members of the Board of Examiners
Another ISDEV PhD student, Muhammad Tahir, has successfully passed his PhD with flying colours. He has been suggested by all his three thesis examiners, external and internal, to be nominated for USM Best Thesis Award (Pure Arts) 2011. This was decided at the end of his viva voce held on Thursday 10th February 2011. The title of his thesis is The Methods and Practice of Tazkiyyah An-Nafs in Islamic-Based Development: A Case Study of Koperasi Pondok Pasentren (KOPENTREN), Darul Tauhiid, Bandung, Indonesia.
Prior to this, in 2008, three ISDEV PhD students, Dr Fadzila Azni Ahmad, Dr Zahri Hamat and Dr Nor Azzah Kamri were also nominated by the School of Social Sciences for the same Award. Dr Fadzila Azni Ahmad won it and later in 2009, she also won Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin Best PhD Thesis Award. In 2009, another ISDEV PhD student Dr Ahmad Azrin Adnan was also nominated by all his three thesis examiners for the USM Best Thesis Award (Pure Arts). His nomination was postponed to 2011 as he has yet to received his degree in a convocation. However, in the same year, another ISDEV student, Master student Shereeza binti Mohamed Saniff won USM's Persada Kencana Award (the Best Student - Coursework & Mixed Mode).
The nomination of Muhammad Tahir this year would mean a competition with Dr Ahmad Azrin Adnan, another ISDEV Phd student. Whoever wins the Award, however, ISDEV would be equally happy as both of them have been nurtured by ISDEV.
Congratulation Muhammad Tahir and many thanks to all who have contributed to his success, direct or indirectly.
ISDEV brothers wishing Muhammad Tahir good luck after a special solatuhajat held before the viva
ISDEV brothers and sisters expressed their thanks to God after knowing Muhammad Tahir has passed his PhD with flying colurs
Finally, a feast of thanks hosted by ISDEV, held immediately after the viva voce
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