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ISDEV PhD candidate Brother Warjio had superbly succeeded to defend his viva which was held on Thursday 7 April, 2011 at the Mc Clintock Room of the Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS) Building. His PhD Thesis was on “Parti Politik Dakwah di Indonesia: Ideologi, Strategi dan Pencapaian Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) 1998-2009(Political Da’wah Parties in Indonesia: Ideology, Strategy and Achievements of the Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) 1998-2000). Warjio’s thesis was supervised by Dr. Zaini Abu Bakar and Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh. He took a minimum duration of just two years to complete his study.

Warjio had confidently answered questions posed by the panel of examiners during the viva chaired by Professor Munirah Ghazali. The three examiners were Professor Dr. Badlihisham Mohd. Nasir of Jabatan Pengajian Dakwah & Kepimpinan, UKM, Dr. Wan Asna binti Wan Mohd Nor @ Wan Zakaria of Pengajian Jarak Jauh, USM and Dr Fadzila Azni of Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam, USM. Dr Zahari Hamat represented the Dean of Social Sciences and Professor Dr Badlihisham who was on post-operation medical leave.

The examiners unanimously gave their recommendation that the thesis is suitable to be nominated for Best Thesis Award (Pure Arts) at the university level.

Before the viva, solatul hajat and doa were held, led by Warjio himself

Then, having breakfast together

And now, the real occasion, Warjio defending his thesis

After the defence and happy decision, Warjio with Board of Examiners

And finally, the thankful feast
