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Tuan Haji Abdul Aziz Tahar delivering a lecture on Preparations for Fieldwork

10 August – This month’s Graduate Supervision was held at the Conference Room C06, School of Social Sciences with more than 30 students attending the programme. The Director of ISDEV, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh attended this supervision whilst the Deputy Director, Dr Fadzila Azni Ahmad and Tuan Hj Abdul Aziz Tahar were the speakers of the day.

The programme started with a Tazkirah delivered by Ustaz Shukri Hanapi who discussed about the contents of Surah As-Saff (61:2-3) and Surah Al-Baqarah (2:64-71). He highlighted that the abomination of Allah to Muslims who do not practice what they preached and the behaviour of the ummah of Prophet Musa when asked to kill the cow. In his reminder, he included several actions that students can practice in order to become a good person such as not to create many excuses in order to avoid doing a task given, not to postpone any work, and not to ask irrelevant questions when receiving any tasks.

The programme then continued with the main objective which is the discussion about students’ thesis focusing on the objective and field of study. Dr Fadzila Azni led this session by answering all questions asked by the students.

An hour later it was Tuan Hj Abdul Aziz Tahar’s turn to share his experience on how to conduct a successful field work for the student’s research. He also gave some useful tips for students in preparing their field work. Students took the chance to ask him several questions and received some ideas pertaining to conducting field work research. It truly was an honour for the students to receive such a useful guideline and explanation by an experienced statistician.

At 1.00 pm, the supervision ended with recitation of Tasbih Kiffarah and Surah Al-Asr followed by a nasyid solo performance from Ustaz Syakir.

Some of ISDEV's graduates attending the Monthly Supervision
