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9 AUGUST - This week’s lecture was given by Ustaz Yasir at ISDEV Meeting Room C05 with the title ‘Hukum Nikah’ while the Tazkirah was delivered by Ustaz Syahir Akram Hassan who stressed about the importance of benevolent deed throughout this holy month of Ramadhan.

This week’s lecture started atypically then previous lectures because there was a solemn yet powerful rendition of a nasyid titled ‘Sunah Orang Berjuang’ performed solely by Ustaz Mohd Syakir Mohd Rosdi.

The Tazkirah led this lecture session with the discussion on the importance of benevolent deeds Ramadhan. According to Ustaz Syahir, based on Surah Al-A’raf(Chapter 7), all Muslims are urged to perform benevolent deeds as much as possible and to do so with full of sincerity towards Allah SWT. All these are done to avoid one from being part of the ‘Ashab Al-A’raf’ (they are the people who will sit on a high wall during the Hereafter as they are neither admitted to heaven or hell). There are various opinions from the Muslim scholars as to the characteristics of these ‘Ashab Al-A’raf’ that led them there but the most important is to get the forgiveness from Allah SWT because our final abode as Muslims will be in jannah (heaven). Thus, Ustaz Syahir reminded all students to perform benevolent deeds with full of sincerity and taqwa as much as they can especially in this Ramadhan month.

The session then continue with another topic about Hukum Nikah (Rules of Marriage). Students were very attentive to Ustaz Yasir’s lecture. He explained about the hukum (rulings) one by one and the students seemed to fully grasp the topic discussed.

Q & A session was held at the end of this lecture. Amongst those took part in the Q & A session were the of ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh and ISDEV Statistician staff, Tuan Hj Abdul Aziz Tahar. Before the session ended, Professor Syukri also took this opportunity to introduce the School’s Academic staff to ISDEV students. They are Dr. Shariffah Suraya Syed Jamaludin and Dr. Nur Asmat Ismail. The lecture ended at 4.30 pm with the recitation of Tasbih Kiffarah and Surah Al-Asr followed by the congregational ‘Asr prayer.
