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 7-13 April - 50 passionate ISDEV delegations led by ISDEV Director Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh flew to Medan, Indonesia to attend a seven-day academic expedition with the theme "Taddabur & Tafakkur Alam". The trip was packed with programme that feasted not only the five sensory organs but also provided an increase in the intellectual and spiritual being of ISDEV members.

The delegations went to Danau Toba, Parapat to experience the beauty of nature and to witness the launch of Danau Toba Declaration - The Ulul Albab.

On 11th April, the delegates presented their respective papers in the 5th Islamic-based Development Workshop  (WAPI-5) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU). ISDEV Director delivered the opening speech on WAPI-5 and also at The International Seminar on Decolonization of Education. From the speech, he introduced the concept of 'Oceanic Intellectuals' that hopefully will be created by ISDEV.

The delegation experienced an unexpected incident when they were jolted by an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.5 on the evening of their 4th day in Medan. A solat hajat was performed after the Maghrib prayer. Alhamdulillah, no mishap had occured to any of the ISDEV delegates.

Two alumni assosiations, one for Medan and one for Acheh were launched under the name of IPA (Ikatan Pelajar & Alumni ISDEV) to ensure and enable networking and cooperation of ISDEV students and alumni members.

The seven-day academic expedition was a success. It allowed the delegates to experience a whole new perspective on being a musafir (traveler) and also enable members to strengthen their ukhuwwah (brotherhood) with one another and sense the bond with nature as part of Allah's creations.
