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The turnout at the University Conference Hall (or DPU) of Universiti Sains Malaysia
9 Jan - The first ISDEV Monthly Graduate Supervision in 2013 proved to be unique indeed. As a start the venue for ISDEV members to congregate was at the momentous University Conference Hall (or DPU) of Universiti Sains Malaysia instead of the usual C06 or C23. Not surprisingly the stately looking hall was quickly filled up by RISDEV, MISDEV' 11 and MISDEV'12 students as well as the amiable lecturers of ISDEV. Among those present were Dr Zahari Hamat, Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad (Chairperson of the Islamic Development Management Section of the School of Social Sciences). Dr.Mohd Shukri Hanapi chaired the session.

ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh stressing a point during his
tazkirah while ISDEV Deputy  Director Dr Zakaria Bahari looks on

Post Tazkirah  session - Prof. Syukri  flanked by Dr Mohd Shukri on the right
and Dr Zakaria on the left

At 9.30 am sharp the graduate supervision started with the recitation of the ummul kitab Al-Fatihah and the recitation in one voice of asma ul husna. ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh delivered the  tazkirah which is the third in series of the Tarbiyyah Pengarah ISDEV . This time, Prof Syukri presented on the topic of '3 strengths in ISDEV' which are core to ISDEV strength and existence. They are faith (iman), brotherhood(silaturahim) and consistency of common comprehension, thought and action (fikrah). However for this session the focus was only on the first that is 'Teras kekuatan ISDEV- Iman'.

On a serious note - Dr Zakaria Bahari, ISDEV Deputy Director
delivering his lecture on a serious  topic "Problem Statement"
The supervision then continued with ISDEV Deputy Director, Dr Zakaria Bahari's lecture on "Problem Statement". The lecture with the Q&A session took almost 2 hours. Dr. Zakaria presented a general guideline on how to write a written proposal and thereafter focused on how one needs to tackle the 'Problem Statement'. In his lecture he reminded students about the strong relationship between the 'Background' with the 'Problem Statement'. Some students were asked to share on how they had approach writing their 'Problem  Statement' while a few were tested on the strength of their proposed 'Problem Statement'. The Q&A session which ensued provided the opportunity which was well utilized by the students. Useful information as well as detailed instructions were passed on that day to help students in writing their "Problem Statement" in particular and their thesis as a whole in general.

Some of the beautiful sisters present for the
ISDEV Monthly Graduate Supervision

The program ended that day with the recitation of surah al-asr and tasbih kaffarah and closed at 1.30pm.
