13 May - The journey of ISDEV academic expedition began on 21st April, 2013 until 27th April, 2013. A total of 51-strong delegation from ISDEV led by ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh left for Medan Indonesia.
Participants of WAPI-6 posing with Prof. Syukri (centre) |
The first task was on the 22nd April 2013, where all the delegates presented their respective papers in the 6th International Workshop on Islamic-based Development (WAPI-6) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU).
The well attended "ICID the 5th" at the Conference Room of Hotel Madani |
On the 23rd April 2013, ISDEV delegates then attended the 5th International Conference on Islamic Development (ICID the 5th) that was held at the Conference Room of Hotel Madani, Medan with the theme on Islamizing Development (Islamisasi Pembangunan).
Prof. Syukri Salleh delivering his opening remarks |
Prof. Muhammad Syukri Salleh delivered the opening remarks with the prologue on "Islamizing the Thoughts on Development" (Islamisasi Pemikiran Pembangunan).
Authors of Chapters in the book "Politik Pembangunan Islam" |
In addition to this conference, the launch of the book entitled ‘Politik Pembangunan Islam’ by Dr. Warjio took place during the opening ceremony of this conference.
The book launch of 'Manusia Menurut Hidayah al-Quran' at UMA
A group photo at the end of the book launch session at UMA |
Then on 24th April, 2013, ISDEV delegations were also invited to Universitas Medan Area (UMA) to witness the launch of another book entitled ‘Manusia Menurut Hidayah Al-Quran’ by Haji Ismet Junus, the Director of UMA Islamic Centre. This networking between UMA and ISDEV USM is hoped to continue and strengthened in the near future.
A place to remember by ISDEV delegates - The beautiful and serene Danau Toba |
The next day was a trip in the form of an academic tour to Parapat, Danau Toba. All passionate ISDEV delegations went to Parapat, Danau Toba on 25th April 2013 to experience the beauty of nature and strengthened the
ukhuwwah (brotherhood) with one another. The experience and knowledge gained by the delegates on this tour were indeed priceless. ISDEV delegates also managed to visit Pulau Tomok, Samosir for sightseeing.
Razali receiving the award from Almarhum Dr Suhrawardi's wife, Puan Latifah |
In a tribute to Almarhum Dr Suhrawardi, ISDEV introduced the "Dr. Suhrawardi Award" for the best paper presented at WAPI-6. This year, the award went to Encik Razali Othman and Puan Khatijah Othman.
An act of sealing ukhuwwah. Congregational solat followed by a Tazkirah every subh and maghrib |
The seven day academic expedition was a success. All the delegates experienced a whole new perspective on being a traveler (
musafir) and the strong
ukhuwwah felt among one another was sealed further during this trip.
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