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A group photo at the steps of Masjid Ban Nua 

In order to realize the aspirations to learn through experience and travels in the pursuit of knowledge just as was practised by leading Islamic figures of the past, ISDEV fraternity visited Ban Nua in Hatyai, Thailand from 8 to 10 November, 2013.

The Ban Nua Project is part of the fulfillment of the coursework for SIW505-Epistemology and Islamic Tasawwur. In addition the project brings along a great mission of strengthening the relationship between ISDEV members with the Muslim community in the village of Ban Nua.

MISDEV'13 Muslimah busy preparing for the trip to Ban Nua 

The Project carried the theme ‘Empowering Grass Root Development: Case of the Ban Nua Community in Thailand’ received a close knit cooperation with three institutions - ISDEV USM, Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (KUPU SB) Brunei Darussalam and Walailak University.

An interview session with Prof. Syukri (right) by the crew of TV Al-Hijrah

The Project was organised by MISDEV’13 students. For the first time since the annual visits to Ban Nua, the crew of TV Al-Hijrah was with them throughout the duration of the project. In fact the project was aired for about 15 minutes on 24 November 2013 at about nine in the morning in the segment of ‘Assalamualaikum : Ban Nua’.

Gotong Royong at the Masjid Ban Nua

Rearranging the books at the mini library

Among the activities held was the sharing of languages, culture, management, health to all participants and the locals of Ban Nua. The activities were in the form of gotong-royong (mutual cooperation) in cleaning the masjid’s surrounding compound, class for basic Thai language, sports and recreation, management and improvement of the mini library, nasyid (Islamic religious songs) practice, Islamic personal grooming for the Muslim ladies and personal hygiene.

A session just for the Muslimah : Islamic Personal Grooming

On the way back to USM, there was a short stopover at the Floating Market to provide opportunities of ISDEV members to buy souvenirs and Thai delicacies to bring home to their loved ones as buah tangan.

With the children of Ban Nua at the Floating Market

The experience of organising and going through Ban Nua Project itself has been valuable indeed. The education imparted on the sense of the real Islamic ukhuwwah between ISDEV and the Ban Nua Community is everlasting. 

A feast - eating in Jemaah at the Masjid Ban Nua
