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 Suraya (left) while waiting for the examiners' results on her viva voce

RISDEV student (ISDEV PhD candidate) Suraya Ismail had simply aced her viva voce. She had successfully defended her PhD Thesis entitled "Latar Belakang dan Pemikiran Ahli Majlis Penasihat Syariah (MPS) di Malaysia dan Implikasinya ke atas Pembinaan Produk Pembiayaan Perumahan" (Background and the Thoughts of the Syariah Advisory Committee (MPS) Members in Malaysia and Its Implications on the Development of House Financing Products). Her viva voce was held on the afternoon of Monday, 27 January 2014 at the Social Sciences Conference Room, C06, Universiti Sains Malaysia. 

External examiner, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Engku Ahamd Zaki, posing a question to Suraya.

Suraya's main supervisor Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh and co-supervisor Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad were present that day. Associate Professor Hj. Mohamad Hj Md Yusoff, from the School of Communications chaired the viva session while Associate Professor Dr. Engku Ahmad Zaki bin Engku Alwi, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Contemporary Studies, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) was the external examiner.

Viva voce in session (from right to left), Assoc. Professor Hj. Mohamad Haji Md Yusoff, Dr Zaini Abu Bakar and
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Engku Ahmad Zaki
 The two internal examiners for Suraya's viva voce - Dr Zakaria Bahari (right) and Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi (left)

The viva commenced at 3.30 pm and ended about one and half hour later with high accreditation given to Suraya Ismail for a thesis that was well written. The three examiners unanimously agreed that the thesis ought to be nominated for an award at least that at the university's level. Among the panel of examiners for Suraya's viva was the representative to the Dean of School of Social Sciences, Dr. Zaini Abu Bakar, the Secretary for the examiners Encik Mohd Zaki Talhah, Internal Examiners, Dr. Zakaria Bahari and Dr. Mohd. Shukri Hanapi.

ISDEV sisters were at C06 to witness Suraya's viva voce 
