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The big day. It is convocation time! The proud graduates of MISDEV'12 with Prof. Muhammad Syukri Salleh (3rd from right) 

Sticking to tradition, this year's  Malam Graduasi ISDEV (ISDEV Graduation Night) was held during the eve of USM Convocation ceremony for the graduating MISDEV (Postgraduate Mixed Mode) students as well as RISDEV (Postgraduate Research Mode) students in honour of their achievements. 

Prof. Syukri Salleh (standing) giving his final tazkirah to the graduating students
in the presence of their loved ones

This year was the turn of 17 MISDEV’12 students and one RISDEV student who were commemorated by ISDEV in the Malam Graduasi ISDEV. The event was held on Friday 25 April, 2014 at Dewan Utama Desasiswa, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang.

In honour of the students' parents. ISDEV lecturers took the opportunity to take a group photo with the family members who came to celebrate their family member's achievements

At the event besides the students, ISDEV lecturers including ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh, Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi and Dr. Fadzila Azni brought along their family members. Graduating students also took the opportunity to bring their parents, loved ones and relatives to join in the celebration of excellence and get acquainted with ISDEV fraternity.

A usual ritual in ISDEV gatherings - supplicating to Allah SWT after the congregational Maghrib prayer.

As usual, the event began with a congregational Maghrib prayer followed by a brief Tazkirah delivered by Ustaz Shahir Akram as an positive injection to the soul before proceeding with the next item in the programme.

Suraya Ismail (right) receiving the "Outstanding  PhD Thesis Award" for her well-written
and brilliant defense of her PhD Thesis

The certificates for “Outstanding Dissertation Award” and “Outstanding PhD Thesis Award” were presented that night by ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh. In all,  14 graduates were honoured that night in recognition of their excellence in academic writing. This includes one of the outstanding PhD thesis award received by Dr. Suraya Ismail who passed her viva last February 2014.

Members of Soutul ISDEV singing their rendition of Sunnah Orang Berjuang

Besides, the award presentation ceremony, guests were also entertained with the rendition of nasheed by Soutul ISDEV comprising of ISDEV students.
