Dr. Zakaria (2nd from right) evaluating two PhD theses proposals. |
The ISDEV Graduate Discourse for June was held at the University Conference Hall (DPU) on Thursday 19 June, 2014. This month's session saw two PhD thesis proposals being evaluated before candidates were allowed to proceed with their PhD thesis research. However, this is the first time that one of the PhD thesis proposal presentations is by a PhD candidate from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).
Mohd. Zulkifli Muhammad listening intently to a question posed on his PhD thesis proposal. |
The first PhD thesis proposal was defended by a RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) student, Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad. He is embarking his research on Andaian Dalam Ekonomi Islam Arus Perdana: Satu Penilaian Semula (Assumptions in Mainstream Islamic Economics: A Re-evaluation). Mohd Zulkifli's main supervisor is Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh. In the meantime his co-supervisor is Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad while Dr. Zakaria Bahari evaluated his proposal.
Salutations to Mir Salim Ullah whose determination should be exemplified as he had chosen to present his PhD thesis proposal out of his comfort zone in UUM. |
Assoc Prof. Dr. Fatah (right) giving his comments on the PhD thesis proposal while Mir Salim Ullah (left) diligently listens. |
In the second session ISDEV members heard the defense of the PhD thesis proposal from Mir Salim Ullah (UUM) whose research is on Islamic Financing of Small and Medium Enterprises: A Case of Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs) in Pakistan. His main supervisor is Dr. Nasri Naimi while his co-supervisor is Professor Dr. Rosylin Mohammad Yusof. Both of them are from the College of Business, UUM. His PhD thesis proposal was evaluated by two ISDEV lecturers, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Fatah and Dr. Zakaria Bahari.
A delighted Dr Nasri Naimi (right) after hearing the good news that his student, Mir Salim Ullah, gets the nod from both evaluators to proceed with his PhD thesis proper. |
After the presentations in which both candidates received the green light to proceed with the research proper, ISDEV Director took the opportunity to highlight the high spirit exhibited by both candidates in defending their research although faced with insurmountable questions. He also encouraged ISDEV members to follow Mir Salim's attitude who showed his willingness to present and accept comments from members who were not from his university. He is able to accomplish all these because he is willing to improve any loose ends in his research proposal and willing to move forward in ensuring he is able to produce an excellent thesis.
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