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ISDEV Director Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh, Deputy Director Dr. Zakaria Bahari and Senior Fellow Associate Professor Dr. Abdul Fatah Che Hamat were in Acheh from 11 till 15 August 2014.

With Acheh Mayor (Walikota) Eliza Saaduddin Jamal after dinner at her official residence (Pendopo)
The aims are two-folds. Firstly, to fulfill an invitation by Journal of Media Syariah, Acheh Baitul Mal, and Faculty of Shariah and Islamic Economics of Universiti Islam Negeri (UIN) Ar-Raniry to present papers at their Konferensi Internasional Tentang Zakat Di Dalam Masyarakat Islam - Optimalisasi Zakat Sebagai Pilar Peradaban Islam on 13-14 August and secondly, to hold PhD supervision for ISDEV part-time students residing in Acheh.

Associate Professor Dr Abdul Fatah Che Hamat presenting his paper

Prof Muhammad Syukri Salleh interviewed by reporters after his paper presentation

Prof Syukri presented a main paper entitled Mengurus Kemiskinan Melalui Zakat: Tiga Realiti Semasa (Managing Poverty via Zakat: Three Contemporary Realities), while Dr Zakaria's entitled Peranan Zakat Dalam Pembangunan Pendidikan Masyarakat: Kajian Kes Zakat Pulau Pinang (The Role of Zakat in Society's Educational Development: The Case of Zakat Pulau Pinang), and Dr. Fatah's presented on Transforming Zakat as a Means to Alleviate Poverty: Some Issues and Reflections.

After having breakfast with ISDEV Acheh students 

The supervision for the ISDEV students was held on 12 August at the Department of Management of Universitas Syiah Kuala (UNSYIAH).

With Gavernor of Aceh, Dr Zaini Abdullah (fourth from left with black songkok) after having dinner at Istana Pendopo (his official residence)

While in Acheh, Prof.  Syukri, Dr.  Zakaria and Dr.  Abdul Fatah were also invited to dinners for two consecutive nights hosted by Acheh Governor Dr. Zaini Abdullah and Acheh Mayor Ibu Walikota Eliza Saaduddin Jamal at their respective Pendopo (official residences). The ISDEV entourage were also treated by ISDEV students with breakfasts at traditional coffee shops with the famous Acheh coffee.
