The presentation prepared by ISDEV Director, Prof. Muhammad Syukri Salleh. |
In conjunction with the 8th ISDEV International Islamic Development Management Conference (IDMAC 2014), academicians from various universities in Medan, Indonesia paid a friendly visit to the Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) to forge closer ties as well as to share expertise on the social sciences from the Islamic perspective.
One of the ties that binds - A group photo of ISDEV and the academia from Medan. |
The delegates from Medan were headed by ISDEV Alumni member in Medan, Dr. Heri Kusmanto. The delegates comprised of lecturers and postgraduate students from various universities namely: Universitas Medan Aria (UMA), Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) and Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU).
Prof Syukri (right) presenting a historical account of ISDEV. |
The occasion was chaired by ISDEV Deputy Director, Dr. Zakaria Bahari. Also present were ISDEV lecturers, staff and students. It started with a brief ta’aruf (orientation) between ISDEV members and the delegates from Medan. ISDEV Director, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh then extended the informal discussion with a historical account of establishing ISDEV and its development up till its recognition and elevated status as a Research Centre of Excellence (COE).
Shereeza, a RISDEV student, giving her account of what it takes (and receives) to be a postgraduate student at ISDEV. |
Simultaneously, ISDEV students also shared their experiences about their intellectual and spiritual journey throughout their studies as a postgraduate student of ISDEV.
Kasyfull (front - centre) brilliantly serves his dual roles as a RISDEV student as well as one of the delegates from Medan. |
The friendly visit has definitely achieved to bring closer the ties that bind ISDEV and the academia from Medan, Indonesia. This meeting of the minds and hearts are akin to positive entertainment for the intellectualism and spirituality of all those present. It has provided the platform for informal discussion and sharing of ideas about the need to strive for the utmost in the wake of the Ummah particularly in Malaysia and Indonesia through the academic route.
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