ISDEV lecturer, Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi was given the honour by ‘Pusat Tranfromasi Insan' (Human Transformation Centre), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) to speak to about 200 staff on “Kursus Mencari Keberkatan Dalam Bekerja” (Course on "Blessings in the Job"). He was one of the two invited speakers to address the staff on 29 January 2015 at Dewan Kuliah A, USM.
Dr. Mohd.Shukri Hanapi took the trust bestowed on him seriously and sought to speak from the heart by focusing the topic on “Meletakkan Tasawur Tauhidik Sebagai Asas Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Islam Dalam Pekerjaan” (Laying the Tauhidic Worldview as the Basis of Instilling Islamic Values in Work).
The time allocated to him by the organiser was well spent. Dr. Mohd Shukri wisely explained to the audience that the basis of obtaining blessings in the job is by instilling the tauhidic tasawwur (monotheistic worldview) element and the Islamic values in our daily work. As an example, if we have a strong relationship as well as a resolute belief in Allah SWT, we will never be complacent or ignore the instructions given by our employer. In fact we will be conscious to regard every work as an act of worship and that every single deed that we do is continuously being monitored by Allah SWT. With a sense of monotheistic belief to Allah SWT, the feeling or intention to do any bad deeds in the job such as corruption can be avoided.Simultaneously the livelihood that is sought from the job as a means to support the family will get blessings from Allah SWT.
Dr Shukri's first slide - presenting the title of his talk for the day |
The time allocated to him by the organiser was well spent. Dr. Mohd Shukri wisely explained to the audience that the basis of obtaining blessings in the job is by instilling the tauhidic tasawwur (monotheistic worldview) element and the Islamic values in our daily work. As an example, if we have a strong relationship as well as a resolute belief in Allah SWT, we will never be complacent or ignore the instructions given by our employer. In fact we will be conscious to regard every work as an act of worship and that every single deed that we do is continuously being monitored by Allah SWT. With a sense of monotheistic belief to Allah SWT, the feeling or intention to do any bad deeds in the job such as corruption can be avoided.Simultaneously the livelihood that is sought from the job as a means to support the family will get blessings from Allah SWT.
Dr. Shukri presenting his talk on Blessings in the Job. |
He also added in his speech that one of the various ways to obtain blessings in the job is to improve practising sincerity in the daily tasks. Other ways included implementing the principles of Ittiba’ al- Sunnah that is committing deeds following the Sunnah of Rasulullah SAW; purification of the soul such as reading a lot of the verses from the Qur'an; take blessings from the Qur'an by practising what is taught by the Qur'an; increase our selawat (greetings) to Rasullah SAW and seeking of forgiveness; scheduling practices of Sunnah as a sign of love for Allah SWT and His Messenger; remembrance of death; charity and trust in Allah SWT.
By sharing these methods, he however highlighted that the most effective method to invite blessings in the job is to get closer to Allah SWT through various religious practises using our body parts and belongings such as through the limbs, tongue, heart and soul as well as property. When we are close to Allah SWT, then Allah SWT will give us the attention sought and watch us with His mercy which in turn will draw out blessings from Allah SWT to us. He iterated that the methods presented that day were to be regarded as recommendations as there were scores of other practices that could also be done. However, the resolve to turn a new leaf to be a servant of Allah SWT who is bestowed a blessed life is more important. He also reminded all present to start it simple and easy but consistent so that blessings can be owned by all, in sha Allah.
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