The Participants from UPM Pusat Islam. From 8 May until 10 May, 2015, four ISDEV lecturers including ISDEV Director, Prof. Muhammad Syukri Salleh were invited to speak to the staff of Pusat Islam, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) staff and were appointed as the facilitators for the ' Program Pengukuhan Sahsiah Diri Staf " (Strengthening Self Personality of Staff Programme). The 3-day long programme was organised by the Islamic Centre of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM Pusat Islam) at Felda Residence Trolak Resort, Sungkai, Perak Darul Ridzuan. Prof. Syukri presented his talk on Qalb- based Management. According to the Director of UPM Pusat Islam, Dr. Razali Othman, the main objective of this programme was to introduce the concept or the principle that ISDEV had been implementing all these while. Specifically it was aimed at introducing the pragmatic aspects of Qalb -based (Heart-based) Management which is an approach to the learning and management of Hati ke Hati (or Heart to H...