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One of the slides by Dr. Shahir Akram Hassan for the April Monthly Graduate Supervision.

The first ISDEV Monthly Graduate Supervision for this year took place on Friday, 24th April 2015 at C06 Social Sciences Conference Room, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). It was actually the first of such experience for MISDEV'14 (ISDEV Postgraduate by Mixed-Mode) students and the newly registered RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research Mode) students.

The session started at 9 a.m. with a lecture on Penganalisisan Kualitatif dan Penaakulan (Qualitative Analysis and Reasoning) delivered by ISDEV Senior Lecturer, Dr. Shahir Akram Hassan. He identified three main problems that graduate students always encounter when writing a thesis which are 1) Consistency of Argumentation 2) Structure of Argumentation and 3) Continuity of Argumentation. This problem is most evidently found in Chapter Four of the theses submitted by students.
Dr Shahir Akram (in white) delivering his lecture on Reasoning Method and the Application of Logic

In order to overcome these three identified problems, Reasoning Method (Kaedah Penaakulan) and the Application of Logic (Aplikasi Mantik) can be applied in writings. Students must observe the rules of categorization and employ critical and analytical thinking in their writings. Continuity of argumentation itself is of vital importance.
Dr. Mohd Syakir (centre) posing a question during the Question & Answer session. 

Giving the explanation for almost one hour and a half, students as well as other lecturers never missed a chance to pose their questions related to the topic discussed during the Question & Answer session. Dr. Shahir Akram tried to give a clear explanation so that all present are able to fully comprehend and thoroughly understand the approach to logical argumentation he mentioned throughout his lecture.

Also present that day were ISDEV Director, Prof. Muhammad Syukri Salleh, ISDEV Deputy Director Dr. Zakaria Bahari, ISDEV lecturers as well as ISDEV administrative staff.
