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ISDEV members at the airport just moments before boarding their flight to Kuala Namu, Medan.

As scheduled today, on 10 June 2015, a total of 84 strong ISDEV members consisting of ISDEV lecturers and students with some family members are flying to Medan in Sumatera Indonesia. The entourage is led by the Lecturer-in-Charge cum ISDEV-Medan Liason Officer, Dr. Mohd Syakir Mohd Rosdi while the Programme Director is a MISDEV'14 (ISDEV Postgraduate by Mixed-Mode) student, Mohd Hafifi Hafidz Abu Bakar.
The 8th WAPI Brochure detailing the necessary information.
The academic trip included a 2-day academic gatherings jointly organized by ISDEV and Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU). The first is Workshop Antarabangsa Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam Ke-8 (8th WAPI) which will be held on 11 June followed by the 7th International Conference on Islamic Development (7th ICID) with the focus on ASEAN Economic Community scheduled for the next day. The 8th WAPI would see ISDEV students and lecturers presenting their respective working papers.
Final briefing by Programme Director at University Conference Hall,USM on Tuesday 9 June, 2015.
ISDEV Director Prof. Muhammad Syukri Salleh is given the honour to deliver the Keynote Address for both academic gatherings. For the 8th WAPI, he will address on "Kesilapan Non-teknikal Dalam Penulisan Tesis (Non-TAchnical Mistakes in Thesis Writing) while for the 7th ICID, Prof Muhammad Syukri Salleh will address all participants in his Keynote Address on 'Ekonomi Politik Komuniti Ekonomi ASEAN' (Political Economy of the ASEAN Economic Community: An Islamic Perspective).

In the meantime, all the necessary planning and preparation for the trip is smoothly being handled by the committee members of the programme as well as some helping hands from a few RISDEV students.
Part of the preparations - getting the Luggage Tags ready for all ISDEV members leaving for Medan.
The final briefing before the trip was made on the eve of the trip by the Lecturer-in Charge, Dr. Mohd Syakir at the University Conference Hall (DPU), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Besides informing members of their respective groups and their room mates, all were given the big picture of the five-day trip which ISDEV members are also expected to visit 'Pasar Ikan' or 'Pajak Ikan' as well as book stores on the remaining days. They are also reminded on the importance of performing the obligatory solat Subh and the solat jama' of Maghrib cum Isya' congregationally as a tazkirah session will ensure immediately each time after the performance of the solat.

ISDEV delegates are scheduled to return on Sunday, 14 April and is expected to touch down at Pulau Pinang International Airport around 8.30 p.m.
