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Prof. Syukri (R) with Deputy Mufti of Brunei Darussalam, YM Pehin Dato' Suhaili (L) at Kuantan Airport.
Three ISDEV members, ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh with ISDEV lecturers, Dr Zahri Hamat and Dr Mohd Shukri Hanapi participated at the National Conference On Zakat and Economic Development 2015 (NCOZ 2015). With the theme on "Zakat Pemacu Ekonomi Ummah” (Zakat: The Driving Force of the Muslims Economy) the conference organized by Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) was held at Hotel MS Garden, Kuantan, Pahang on 1 June 2015. 

Prof Syukri was given the honour to address the participants at the conference. He took the opportunity to address the participants by posing a question which was evident in the title “Krisis Ekonomi Kontemporari: Bolehkah diatasi dengan Zakat?’ (Contemporary Economic Crisis: Can it be Solved with Zakat?) before the concurrent sessions began after the tea break. Meanwhile, Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi was one the first presenters in one of the concurrent sessions with the title “Perakaunan Zakat Hasil Pertanian Di Malaysia” (Zakat Accounting on Agriculture Produce in Malaysia). Dr. Zahri presented on “Agihan Dana Zakat Kepada Usahawan Asnaf Melalui Pembiayaan Kredit di Baitul Mal Acheh” (Distribution of Zakat to the Asnaf Entrepreneur Through Credit Financing in Baitul Mal Acheh). 
Prof Syukri addressing the participants in his Keynote Address.
The participants of this conference included academics and students as well as practitioners of zakat institutions from inside and outside Malaysia in line with the conference background as a discourse platform to dissect the Islamic economic system especially zakat as a solution mechanism on the economic challenges and issues faced by the Muslim society.
