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Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi was given a great opportunity to be among well-known academicians of the world, presenting his working paper at the 1st Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR-2015). With the theme on "Advanced Research for Global Development" the conference was held at the  Education Development Centre, Adelaide, South Australia from 23rd until 24th July 2015. The conference was organized by the Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR).
Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi (left) with one of the presenters.
APCAR- 2015 set the main objective of the conference to be the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental and applied Business, Social Sciences, Information and Communication Technology and Education by bringing together leading researchers, academics, consultants, scholars, practitioners and research students from their respective domains of interest around the world.

Presenting his paper on the second day with the title “The Islamic-Based Development Index (IBD-I) Worldview: A Case of The Malaysian Syariah Index (MSI)", Dr. Mohd Shukri received positive comments and views from other participants. Besides gaining new knowledge and foster networking among participants, Dr. Mohd Shukri added that this conference had also infused in him the spirit of bravery and self-confidence as well as placing heavy reliance on Allah SWT more so when one is far from home and loved ones. Reliance is only to Allah SWT.
Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi at the conference venue - Education Development Centre of Adelaide,
South Australia.

He also added and encouraged all ISDEV members to travel far, wide and beyond for Allah SWT has made this earth expansive indeed wherein lies vast knowledge awaiting to be discovered. Thus overcoming fear of travel by inculcating the courage to travel alone is a valuable experience as the benefits that can be derived are not only confined to one’s self but to Islam as well.
