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By attempting and submitting their final exam papers on 29 December 2015, MISDEV’14 students (ISDEV Mixed-Mode Postgraduate - batch 2014) could finally feel elated because that last exam paper they attempted signified their studies for the Master of Social Sciences (Islamic Development Management) for three semesters was almost coming to the end.
A solemn and sombre atmosphere as it can literally be felt the heaviness
 of the hearts to bid "fare thee well  ISDEV"
Thus, a simple “Pre Farewell and Restu Ilmu” was held at the Meeting Room of C05, ISDEV in honour of MISDEV’14. ISDEV Director, Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh took the opportunity to deliver a short but heartfelt speech to all MISDEV '14 students.

In his speech, Prof. Syukri reminded and welcomed MISDEV'14 students who wished to pursue their study at the PhD level with ISDEV. He told them that they could make the application even though the final results had yet to be received. In addition, Prof. Syukri also encouraged MISDEV'14 students to continue writing, with publication in a book form in mind, as one of the steps to expose their research and writing to a wider audience and not to leave their writings only as research materials which are limited and referred to by ISDEV students only. 
Prof. Syukri delivering his short but heartfelt speech for MISDEV'14 students.
Prof. Syukri also encouraged and welcomed MISDEV'14 students who were willing to contribute their energy, time and money to raise the endowment funds for Wakaf ISDEV although they were no longer students of ISDEV. In fact Prof. Syukri strongly encouraged each and every MISDEV'14 student to take a proactive stance on Wakaf ISDEV as he ardently believes that such effort will undoubtedly gain continuous rewards from Allah SWT. He  also took this opportunity on behalf of all ISDEV lecturers and administrators to apologize and request for "menghalalkan" (legalize or make permissible) anything that is overlooked which may perhaps be due to MISDEV'14 by ISDEV.
It is truly hard to say goodbye - as glaringly obvious by the look of Mohd Hilmi
At the end of the meeting, ISDEV lecturers were given a surprise with a poetry recital by MISDEV’14 Class Representative, Ustaz Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden on "Semusim di ISDEV". The words and the meaning of the poem, which is specially dedicated to ISDEV lecturers, touched everyone. The meeting ended with ‘bermaaf-maafan’ (greetings of forgiveness among one another) of ISDEV lecturers and MISDEV’14.

Here is an excerpt of a poem recited by Ustaz Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden, Class Representative of MISDEV'14 dedicated specifically for ISDEV lecturers.


Semusim di ISDEV, 
kami dipertemukan dengan insan yang bertutur dengan hati, 
melihat dengan hati, 
mendengar dengan hati, 
mendidik juga dengan hati.

Semusim di ISDEV, 
kami dipupuk tanggungjawab menjadi pelajar, 
bukan semata-mata untuk segulung sarjana, 
tetapi mardhatillah yang utama.

Semusim di ISDEV, 
kami diajar bahawa akhlak dan adab sentiasa menjadi penilaian yang pertama, 
pencapaian akademik adalah penilaian yang kedua.

Semusim di ISDEV, 
kami belajar menulis dengan akal dan hati, 
bukannya menulis dengan nafsu dan emosi.

Semusim di ISDEV, 
kami diminta mempraktikkan apa yang dipelajari, 
tidak hanya sekadar berteori.

Semusim di ISDEV, 
kami mengenali nilai kesetiaan diantara kawan dengan sahabat dan ikhwan. 
'Setia-ikhwan' adalah pedoman.

Semusim di ISDEV, 
kami faham betapa harus persahabatan dimaksimakan dan 
betapa perlu permusuhan diminimakan.

Semusim di ISDEV, 
kami belajar sunnah orang berjuang, 
dilatih berjuang dalam derita, 
untuk mengecapi bahagia.

Semusim di ISDEV, 
kami nikmati betapa manisnya ikatan silaturrahmi, 
belum pasti akan kami rasainya selepas ini.

Semusim di ISDEV, 
kami mengenal Allah yang Esa, 
menghafal kesemua 99 namaNya dan merasai diri bertuhankanNya.

Semusim di ISDEV, 
pengajian, penulisan, pembentangan, penyeliaan, 
permusafiran ke Ban Nua, Medan dan Brunei, 
penganjuran program, penyembelihan, jamuan, solat berjemaah, 
dan ujian nilai keinsanan di dalam program pembangunan insaniah, 
semuanya tersemat kemas dalam ingatan.

Wahai guru-guru kami, 
walaupun cuma semusim dapat bersama, 
mohon maafkan semua salah silap kami yang sengaja atau tidak sengaja. 

tidak mampu kami membalas segala ilmu, 
didikan dan pengalaman yang dicurahkan, 
walaupun seluruh isi dunia ini kami berikan sebagai balasan.

Wahai guru-guru kami, 
walaupun cuma semusim dapat bersama, 
ketahuilah bahawa kalian amat kami sayangi,
 sama seperti ibu, ayah, abang dan kakak kami.

Duhai Tuhan kami, 
peliharalah ikatan antara hati kami dengan hati guru-guru kami ini, 
janganlah Dikau leraikan ikatannya.

Duhai Tuhan kami,
 janganlah Dikau pisahkan pemilik ikatan hati-hati ini, 
melainkan sesuatu yang pasti iaitu mati.

Terima kasih daripada kami, MISDEV14.
