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Four RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) candidates, Ridwan Nurdin, Surita Hartini Mat Hassan, Farah Farhana Johari and Mohammad Zulfakhairi Mokhtar presented their PhD thesis in ISDEV graduate discourse for the month of January 2016. Ridwan Nurdin presented his final draft of PhD thesis whereas the other presenters, Surita Hartini, Farah Farhana and Mohd Zulfakhairi presented their PhD thesis proposals in front of more than 40 attendees consisting of ISDEV Deputy Director, lecturers as well as ISDEV students. The programme was divided into two different places, C05, ISDEV and C06, Social Sciences Conference Room, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) on 22 January 2016.
Surita Hartini  answering all the question and response to all the feedback
confidently during her presentation for her PhD thesis proposal
The presentation was divided into two sessions, in the morning and afternoon session. The first session started at 10.00am with the first candidate, Surita Hartini Mat Hassan. She is currently supervised by Asssociate Professor Dr. Zakaria Bahari. She presented her PhD thesis proposal on "Pelaburan Hartanah Wakaf: Analisis Kelestarian Manfaat Wakaf" and her presentation was evaluated by Dr. Shahir Akram Hassan.
Ridwan Nurdin in his full spirit presenting his PhD final draft in front
 of ISDEV lectures and fratenity at C05
The second candidate was Ridwan Nurdin.  He presented his final draft PhD thesis on "Kriteria  dan Tahap Kesetiaan Pekerja Perbankan Islam di Banda Acheh, Indonesia". He is also under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Zakaria Bahari. Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad served as the evaluator for his presentation.
ISDEV students in full attention and  jot down some notes from
Farah Farhana's presentation
After the Jumaat Prayer, the programme continued with the third candidate, Farah Farhana Johari. She presented her PhD thesis proposal on "Asas Pembinaan Visi dan Misi Institusi Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam di Malaysia". Farah Farhana was evaluated by Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi and currently is supervised by Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad.
Mohd Zulfakhairi patiently presenting his PhD thesis proposal and receive a
positive feedback from all ISDEV lecturers to proceed further to the next level
The last candidate was Mohammad Zulfakhairi Mokhtar with his thesis proposal on "Pengaruh Niat Terhadap Tingkah Laku Berwakaf Tunai Dalam Kalangan Muslim di Pulau Pinang". He is currently supervised by Associate Professor Dr. Zakaria Bahari. His presentation was evaluated by Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad.

After a detailed evaluation, all candidates finally received good tidings that their PhD research proposal and final drafts were accepted. Ridwan Nurdin had been given the mandate to submit his PhD thesis while the rest received the endorsement to proceed further to the next level.

Congratulations to all candidates!
