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The monthly Director's Tarbiyyah for the month of January was held on 20 January, 2016 at C06, Social Science Conference Room, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). This time around, ISDEV Director, Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh chose to address ISDEV fraternity on "Rasa Berjemaah”  (to feel as a congregation).

He started the Tarbiyyah by giving the characteristics of a Jema'ah (congregation). According to him, a good Jema'ah can only be formed when there is a good leader and good followers. In ISDEV context, the leader referred to the director whilst the followers consist of lecturers, administrative staff as well as students.
ISDEV Director, Prof. Syukri at the helm for the monthly Director's Tarbiyyah
The Jema'ah must feel each other's needs as a good Jema'ah move collectively to achieve success in both worlds. However, every effort and success derived could not mean individual success alone, but to be considered as the success of the Jema'ah. For example, the recent win by an ISDEV student for the best thesis award at the national level. Definitely the success resulted from student's hard work, but without the help of lecturers, administrative staff and other students whether directly or indirectly, the student may not have won the award. Thus, Prof. Syukri stressed a point that for one to feel as a Jema'ah, the success of the student is the success of all not only for ISDEV but also a success for Islam.
Absorbing all that is said - ISDEV students listen attentively to what is delivered
But in the effort to attain the success, it is not impossible that in a Jema'ah rivalry among one another exist. This can make the Jema'ah weak if viewed from a negative angle. In ISDEV, being competitive is not meant to bring down one another, but being competitive is for the sake of attaining the pleasures of Allah SWT. Thus, all members of the Jema'ah need to cooperate and compete for success and reaping the pleasures of Allah SWT.
An solemn atmosphere as everyone absorbs the points on the need to feel as part of a jema'ah
Furthermore, ISDEV is now gaining ground in being known by many which is in line with the university's expectations for ISDEV to be a Regional Reference Center in the near future, the current Jema'ah must start the preparations from now. This means this Jema'ah can no longer stay at the current level but must go beyond the boundaries of ISDEV and think and want to go global. Prof. Syukri continued with his explicit expression of his gratefulness to Allah SWT and proud of ISDEV fraternity because little by little every ISDEV member has begun to answer the call and shoulder the responsibilities that they need to fulfil. ISDEV lecturers have started moving out and in February alone, some of them will be in Brunei Darussalam, Turkey, and Mecca whilst some others will be in other parts of Malaysia to spread the idea, increase their knowledge and assemble valuable experience that can be shared with other members of the Jema'ah.
An all serious affair - the monthly Director's Tarbiyyah delivered by Prof. Syukri
Indeed, in order to realize the hopes of university as well as ensuring ISDEV success, one necessary strength is to "Rasa Berjema'ah" (feel as a congregation). However to be a strong Jema'ah ISDEV members, one and all,  must cooperate and compete positively to achieve the pleasures of Allah SWT. If this sense jema'ah exists without there being a negative competitiveness with one another, then ISDEV will continue to succeed and become a Regional Reference Center as expected, in shaa Allah.
