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The strong bond built between a student and ISDEV lecturer - his teacher
35 MISDEV14 (ISDEV Master Mixed-Mode) students who have successfully completed their Master in Social Science (Islamic Development Management) this February 2016 were honoured in a simple yet meaningful ceremony called “Majlis Restu Ilmu” (Knowledge Blessing Ceremony). 
Siti Maryam Idris - Master of Ceremony of the day
It has become a tradition in ISDEV that newly enrolled MISDEV students organize a simple yet memorable program which is part of ISDEV culture. The significance of such program is to enable ISDEV lecturers to bestow their blessings to all MISDEV14 students the knowledge that has been shared and imparted to the students who have just completed their studies.
The sisters of MISDEV14
The event took place at the Dewan Muzakarah, Pusat Islam, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) on the blessed afternoon of Friday, 19 February 2016. The programme started at 2.30 pm and was divided into three sessions. The first session was the opening remarks from the representative of MISDEV15.1 who was the Master of Ceremony of the day. A simple video specially dedicated for MISDEV14 was also aired to the audience followed by a poetry recital by Ustaz Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden (MISDEV14) on “ Semusim di ISDEV”. 
All full of sentiments as it is time to bid adieu to ISDEV
The second session continued with a video show by ISDEV lecturers. This time, MISDEV14 who will have their convocation ceremony soon, were touched by the advice and valuable reminders addressed especially for them. Some of them even shed tears and from the look of their faces, had made a resolve to hold dearly that speech and advice from the heart dedicated to them as providence for their life 's journey from now onwards.
Dr. Fadzila addressing the students
The last session then continued just after ISDEV Deputy Director, Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad delivered her simple and brief speech to MISDEV14. The culmination session of the day, namely 'Sesi Merestui Ilmu’ (Knowledge Blessing Session) took place followed by a "Symbolic Gesture" time. The students went to each lecturer, shook hands, asked for forgiveness, blessings and permission to practice, utilize and disseminate the knowledge they had received from the lecturers. It was indeed an emotional-filled, but on the face of each student was a glimpse of glowing contentment - a happiness that contains hundreds of fond memories. The ceremony ended with a group photo session and a simple tea time.
Taking turns during the Symbolic Gesture session
