A dedicated and definitely productive academician -Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi |
He received a certificate and RM1000.00 cash. The award ceremony was held at Dewan Tuanku Syed Putra (DTSP), USM, on 21 March 2016.
Dr Shukri is a systematic academician who is also a prolific researcher and writer. His writing repertoire on Islam especially on tasawwur (Islamic worldview) is expansive ranging from chapters in books, published books as well as indexed journals. Besides writing and embarking in researches as well as establishing networking, he could still find the time, space and patience to guide his postgraduate students, both RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) and MISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Mixed-Mode) students under his supervision.
The hard work and at times the long hours put in by Dr. Shukri as an esteemed member of ISDEV are in recognition of the efforts he has been making for the sake of ISDEV and Islam. It is ardently hoped that with the receipt of this prestigious award, it has inspired and motivated other ISDEV members to more efficiently and more exceptionally perform excellently in their assigned tasks.
Congratulations Dr. Shukri! Keep up the outstanding work.
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