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RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) student, Ridwan Nurdin or also more popularly known as Pak Ridwan among ISDEV members had distinctively defended his PhD Thesis during his viva voce. His PhD Thesis was regarding “Kriteria dan Tahap Kesetiaan Pekerja Perbankan Islam di Banda Aceh, Indonesia” (Criteria and Loyalty Level of Islamic Banking Employees in Banda Acheh, Indonesia).
Pak Ridwan in action - full of spirit and confidence throughout his viva voce.
His viva was held on 24 May 2016 at C06, Social Science Conference Room, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Besides his main supervisor, Associate Professor Dr. Zakaria Bahari, and his co-supervisor Associate Professor Dr. Norzarina Mohd Zaharim, ISDEV members including RISDEV and MISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Mixed-mode) students also attended his viva to give him their support as well as take the opportunity to have a feel of what it is like to be in an actual viva voce.

The chairperson for the Board of Examiners was Prof. Dr. Nor Hashimah Hashim from the School of Education, USM. In the meantime, Professor Dr. Joni Tamkin Borhan from Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya (UM) was the External Examiner. The two Internal Examiners consisted of Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad and Dr. Zahri Hamat while Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh sat as ISDEV Director.
After performing solat hajat at Masjid Al Malik Khalid, USM
The examiners were satisfied with both his written thesis and viva voce and had unanimously agreed to award him with a 'Grade 2'. It is truly and ardently believed that apart from the efforts of the candidate and all parties involved, the do'a (supplication) as well as solat hajat before the viva from all ISDEV members had added to the blessings of such blissful news.

Congratulations Pak Ridwan!
