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Another RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) student, Musmuliadi Kamaruding received the endorsement to proceed with the submission of his PhD thesis. Musmuliadi presented the final draft of his PhD thesis during the ISDEV Monthly Supervision for the month of May, 2016 at Dewan Kuliah A, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). The programme was well attended in which Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad served as Chairperson throughout the entire programme.
An expert on Crowd Management in the making - Musmuliadi.
Musmuliadi started his presentation on the blessed Friday morning, 13 May 2016 by introducing briefly his research on “Pengurusan Kepadatan Manusia: Kajian Kes Konsep Pengurusan Kepadatan Jemaah Haji Tabung Haji di Mekah” (Crowd Management: Case Study on Tabung Haji Haj Pilgrims Crowd Management Concept in Mekkah). With only 15 minutes to present his final PhD draft, Musmuliadi in his full spirit successfully presented and explained his findings with utmost clarity, confidence and calmness exhibiting undoubted familiarity with his research topic.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zakaria Bahari giving his comments and views.
Questions, comments, views and ideas were welcomed both from students and lecturers of ISDEV right after he finished his presentation. He took all these feedback and suggestions in stride as he knew such inputs would definitely allow him to improve his PhD thesis before submitting for viva voce. His main supervisor, Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh also posed him a question and gave some comments on how he could further improve his thesis.
Dr. Fadzila Azni announcing that Musmuliadi's final draft PhD thesis had been endorsed for submission proper.
After a detailed evaluation, Musmuliadi finally received the good tidings from his evaluator, Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad that his final draft of PhD thesis was accepted and could be submitted to the Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS), USM for viva voce after he had made all the necessary amendments as recommended.
Not wanting to miss a beat - all eyes and ears were in rapt concentration listening to Dr Fadzila Azni's lecture.
The programme then continued with ISDEV Monthly Supervision on ‘Panduan Teknikal dalam Penulisan Tesis’ (Technical Guidelines in Thesis Writing) delivered by Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad. All students took this opportunity to listen and grasp carefully the explanations on the technical aspects of thesis writing. The lecture covered  some aspects on margins and pagination standards as well as the preferred referencing style by IPS, since these technicalities are important and useful in guiding students with their thesis writing.
