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On 12 July 2016, two RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Reserach) students were given the opportunity to present their PhD research proposals while another RISDEV student had the chance to present her final PhD draft thesis. They presented their proposals and final draft at Dewan Kuliah A (DKA), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). 
Dr Fadzila Azni giving her comments while Nurul Suhada looks on.
The proposal and thesis draft were presented in front of more than 30 attendees consisting of ISDEV lecturers and postgraduate students . For the session, the first candidate was Nurul Suhada Ismail with her PhD proposal entitled "Pengurusan Sekuriti Makanan Dalam Tasawur Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam (Food Security Management in Islamic-based Development Worldview). She is currently a student under the supervision of Dr. Wan Norhaniza Wan Hasan. Her PhD proposal was evaluated by Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad. 
Norhayati all prepared to pen down the suggestions and comments given by ISDEV lecturers to improve her final draft.
The second candidate was Norhayati Abdullah who presented her final PhD thesis draft on "Penilaian Penarafan Sukuk Dalam Pasaran Modal Islam Di Rating Agency Malaysia (RAM)" (Evaluation of Sukuk Ratings in Islamic Capital Market at Rating Agency Malaysia (RAM)). She is currently supervised by Dr. Zakaria while Dr. Wan Norhaniza had taken the responsibility to evaluate her full draft thesis. 
Noazita presenting her PhD proposal.
The final PhD candidate for that day was Norazita Marina Abdul Aziz with her PhD thesis proposal on "Teras Falsafah Dalam Pembangunan Teori Perakaunan Islam" (Philosophical Underpinnings in Islamic Accounting Development Theory). Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad is her supervisor. Her PhD thesis proposal was evaluated by Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi.
One RISDEVstudent taking the opportunity to ask a question to one of the candidates.
As usual a Question & Answer session took place after each presentation. After a detailed evaluation, all candidates finally received the good tidings that their PhD theses were accepted. Two of them had been given the endorsement to proceed with their theses proper while Norhayati received the green light to submit her final draft PhD thesis. All of them were given the mandate to proceed to the next stage after taking into account the comments of the evaluators and other ISDEV lecturers in enhancing their written theses.
