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The cover page of the two books launched by USM Vice Chancellor.
The 10th ISDEV International Islamic Development Management Conference (IDMAC 2016) with the theme on "The Management and Application of Falak Syar'ie in Contemporary Hijri Calendar" was held recently at Dewan Kuliah A (DK A) of Universiti Sains Malaysia, saw the participation of a number of officers from the Mufti Departments of various states as well as from Department of Islamic Advancement of Malaysia (JAKIM) and Islamic Centre of Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). The close knit collaborations between ISDEV and the Mufti Department of the State of Pulau Pinang and the Mufti Department of the State of Kedah were instrumental in making IDMAC 2016 a successful reality.
One of the editors, Dr Shahir Akram presenting the books to USM Vice Chancellor, Prof Dato' Omar Osman.
One of the tangible results of this close knit collaborations was the ability to see through to the actualization of the deliverance of a promise by the organising committee to the presenters who were able to submit their working papers for IDMAC 2016 according to the dateline given. They were fruitfully rewarded when 25 papers had been hand picked by the editors to be published in two separate books. Takwim Hijri: Isu & Pengurusan and Takwim Hijri: Instrumen & Pencerapan Fenomena Falak. The editors of the book which consisted of 10 chapters on Takwim Hijri: Isu & Pengurusan are Dr Shahir Akram Hassan and Nur Aida Athirah Sulaiman. In the meantime, the other book consisting of 15 chapters are edited by Dr Mohd Shukri Hanapi and Dr Shahir Akram.
State of the art - with just the touch of the right palm, the multimedia presentation of the books starts.
In the official launch of these two books, the committee members had artistically prepared a video trailer on these two books. Prof Dato' Dr Omar Osman was then required to place his right palm on the screen of an electronic tab to commence the video presentation of the books. The two books were officially launched by USM Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman, immediately after the official opening and remarks of IDMAC 2016. For a preview of these two books, the short video presentation used during the book launched is just a click away below:-
