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A leader who knows no rest - an enthusiastic Prof Syukri explaining about "Menajamkan Peralatan"

Menajamkan Peralatan” (Honing the tools) was the topic of the “TarbiyyahPengarah” (Director’s Tarbiyyah) held on 26 August, 2016 at Lecture Hall A (DKA), School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). The monthly Tarbiyyahwas delivered to the ISDEV fraternity by ISDEV Director, Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh.
Full focus were given to Prof Syukri in delivering the Tarbiyyah Pengarah in ISDEV Monthly Graduate Supervision
In his tarbiyyah, Prof. Syukri mentioned that ISDEV is not only a purely academic centre, it also acts as tools to make people realise the magnificence and wonders of Islam specifically in academics and in all aspects of life in general. Focusing on honing the available tools in ISDEV, Prof. Syukri said that all these tools are capable of changing ISDEV internally to form a strong congregation of wondrous outstanding characters displayed by ISDEV members and Muslims.

Dr. Shahir Akram Hassan, Dr. Wan Norhaniza Wan Hasan and Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi shared their experience in 'honing the tools' in ISDEV through  musafir in Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia
Qalb, ‘aql, nafs, lecturers, administrative staffs as well as all the facilities available in ISDEV are the tools that need to be sharpen. These tools could only be illustrated through good conducts in instilling the mahmudah characteristics and eliminating the mazmumah characteristics. Prof. Syukri also added that through faith and devotion towards Allah SWT is the way to avoid and eliminate mazmumahcharacteristics.

However, for academicians as well as administrative staffs, Prof. Syukri reiterated that the only way to honing these tools is through having skills and expertise in delivering ilmu(knowledge) sincerely in addition to strengthening the ukhwah, love and tolerance among ISDEV fraternity. The advantage of honing the tools is also seen in facilities available at ISDEV such as the development of ISDEV’s new complex and education waqf.

Strengthening Ukhuwwah - A surprise birthday celebration organized by ABI for ISDEV members
At the end of his talk, Prof. Syukri concluded that it is important to increase efforts in honing the tools at ISDEV. He urges all ISDEV members, especially lecturers of ISDEV to sharpen their knowledge and expertise as well as to disseminate knowledge, teach and lead. The Monthly Graduate Supervision ended with a surprise birthday celebration organized by ABI for ISDEV fraternity that celebrate birthday on April until August. The Monthly Graduate Supervision was attended by lecturers, students and ISDEV administrative staffs. This is to ensure the success of the mission to develop ISDEV into a High Research Centre of Excellence.
One for the picture - ISDEV lecturers and ABI pose a group photo for the memento
