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Aqma giving her best during her PhD proposal presentation
RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by research) student, Hainnur Aqma Rahim presented her PhD thesis proposal in front of 20 ISDEV members on 29th September 2016. ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh and ISDEV Deputy Director, Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad, as well as ISDEV lecturers and students attended the programme which took place at D04, ISDEV open library. Aqma presented on "Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Isi Rumah Muslim Berpendapatan Tinggi Berhutang" (Factors Influencing Muslim High Income Households to be in Debts).
In action - Aqma at her PhD proposal presentation held at ISDEV open library, D04.
Hainnur Aqma Rahim is currently a PhD candidate under the supervision of Associate Professor  Dr. Zakaria Bahari while Dr. Nur Asmat Ismail is her co-supervisor. All ISDEV lectures evaluated Aqma's PhD proposal and gave their views and comments on how it could further be improved.
Dr. Shahir Akram Hassan posing some questions to Aqma.
Alhamdulillah, all lecturers gave a nod to Aqma's effort and agreed to let Aqma continue her research regarding the factors that influence Muslim high income households to incur debts.

All the very best, Aqma!
