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Dr Mohd Shukri (left) with Dr Pribanus at the Surabaya Juanda International Airport.
Dr Mohd Shukri Hanapi in fulfilling his appointment as a Visiting Fellow of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM-Madura) recently went to Madura, Indonesia. His two days academic stay as the Visiting Fellow of UTM-Madura was packed with academic activities. His arrival on 22 November 2016 at Surabaya Juanda International Airport, was warmly welcomed by Dr Pribanus, Dean of Faculty of Economic and Business (FEB), UTM-Madura.
The FGD in session.
Dr Mohd. Shukri participated in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the Assistant Dean 1, Faculty of Economy and Business (FEB), UTM-Madura and other faculty members. In this FGD Dr Shukri was given the opportunity to share his experience on "the ISDEV way" in research, publication and postgraduate programme.
Dr Mohd Shukri with the lecturers of the Faculty of Islamic Knowledge headed by De Abdul Rahman (left).
Besides the FGD with the FEB, Dr Mohd Shukri was also invited to share on the various fields of studies that are offered at ISDEV with the lecturers of the Faculty of Islamic Knowledge of UTM-Madura.
Dt Mohd Shukri was asked to assist in the discussion on the means and ways to produce honourable entrepreneurs among students upon graduation from UTM-Madura.
Dr Mohd Shukri's opinion was also sought by UTM-Madura in the FGD on Program Studi D3 Wira Usahawan (D3 Honourable Entrepreneurs Study Programme). He was asked to assist in giving ideas and inputs by the faculty members as to how they could ensure that the entrepreneurs who graduated from their faculty are not only pious but are of high moral standards as well.
A first for Dr. Mohd Shukri. He had to stand while delivering his talk. 
In addition, Dr Mohd Shukri in fulfilling his duties as a Visiting Fellow at UTM-Madura was requested to give a public talk to UTM-Madura community in a National Seminar with the theme on Management. The Dewan Utama of UTM-Madura was packed as all were eager to hear him. His talk was on Pengelolaan Konflik Politik Berteraskan Islam (Islamic-based Management on Political Conflict).According to him, it was a first for him to deliver his talk while standing. It was nonetheless well received by the audience.
Dr Mohd Shukri taking a photo with the packed hall as the backdrop.
