Murni Yusoff posed before her viva voce Alhamdulillah and praise is only to Allah SWT. The first viva voce for 2017 was held on Tuesday morning on 24 January 2017 at the C23, Conference Room of the School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. The first session of viva voce was for RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) student who is also ISDEV ASTS (Academic Staff Training Scheme), Murni Yusoff. She had successfully defended her PhD thesis on Relationship Marketing Approach in Malaysian Takaful Companies: An Investigation from Islamic-Based Relationship Marketing Approach. Murni Yusoff has added the tally to ISDEV record of “Excellent PhD Thesis”. Murni in action during her viva voce with do'a and backing of friends who stayed behind to support and motivate her Her viva was held in the morning and was smooth flowing throughout. She showed her mastery of the subject and research as she was able to answer the questions posed to her rather matter-of-factly ...
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