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The banner with details of the programme
Some of the MISDEV 16.1 students together with ISDEV lecturers in a group photo for keepsake.
MISDEV16.1 (ISDEV Postgraduate by Mixed-Mode) students had successfully conducted  the Makmal Socio-Akademik at Ulu Legong, Baling , Kedah Darul Aman (or MASA@ULU LEGONG). The two-day-one night programme focused on Tasawur, Development and Community was part of the assignment for the SEW501 course. It was held from 10 to 11 December, involving 18 students and seven ISDEV lecturers .
MASA@ULU LEGONG participants at wedding reception one of the villagers
Immediately after the opening ceremony of MASA@ULU LEGONG, participants had the first taste of being part of the sustainable-recognised village community of Desa Lestari Ulu Legong when they became part of the guests of the wedding reception of one of the villagers. True to kampung style gotong-royong, almost every member of the village was involved in the success of the event. They ensured guests were entertained and served with the food prepared as well as getting the "bunga telur" (door gift) which is a norm to be given to guests who attended any wedding receptions.
Riadah activity with the children of Desa Lestari Ulu Legong. 
The Falak Exhibition Booth set up after Isya' prayer by the Pulau Pinang State Mufti Department.
After Isya' prayer, MISDEV 16.1 organized a discussion regarding Tasawur Pembangunan Komuniti (The Tasawur of Community Development). The discussion  consisted of two panels comprising of Ustazah Siti Nur Aafifah and Ustaz Hamzah representing MISDEV16.1 and Pak Long a resident of Desa Lestari Ulu Lenggong whilst the moderator for the session was Ustaz Hazrin. After the discussion, there was the exhibition booth on the tools of astronomy used by practitioners of falak on display by the Pulau Pinang State Mufti Department.
Its time to get fit as bicycles galore were available for participants.
The following day, a couple of interesting activities were conducted which aimed to ensure participants know and revel in the Islamic worldview of a community development of Desa Lestari Ulu Legong. First was the honey farm where participants were not only given a chance to taste honey taken directly from the honeycomb but also had the chance up close and personal to be fascinated by the beauty and wonders of the bees. A reminder to the participants of some verses of al-Qur'an on the wonders of the bees and honey.
Students participate on river hiking at Ulu Legong
Then there was the river tracking activity. Here students and lecturers trudged along the river stream in an effort to help clean the river. There was quite a number of plastic wastes that were picked up by the participants including soiled used baby diapers and some plastic containers such as the "white coffin" - the styro-foam. These are evidence of some unscrupulous attitude of the visitors who made use of the river as picnics and other activities.
Honour given to Prof Syukri to plant the seedlings of the date tree as a symbolic gesture to sustainable development.
Masa@Ulu Legoong ended on a positive note as all participants especially ISDEV lecturers were touched by the meticulous planning and dedication shown by all MISDEV16.1 students to make the programme a success. Alhamdulillah.
