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(From left to right) Dr Fadzila Azni, ISDEV lecturer, with two RISDEV students, Norazilawati and Fazleen upon their arrival at the Sultan Muda International Airport in Banda Aceh.
Dr. Fadzilah Azni Ahmad carried an academic trip mission to Banda Aceh for five days with two RISDEV students Norazilawati Md Dahlal and Fazleen Md Ali from 15 February 2017 until 20 February 2017. The academic program started on 16 February held at Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (Faculty of Economic and Business), Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh.
Alhamdulillah, ISDEV delegates at Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh.
In Dr. Nizam's office - one of ISDEV Alumni members at the Faculty of Economics and Business.
ISDEV delegates conducted a 'Kuliah Tamu'.
ISDEV delegates conducted a 'Kuliah Tamu' (Guest Lecture) and the first presenter was Dr. Fazilah Azni where two topics were chosen was on 'Falsafah Pemasaran Berteraskan Islam: Tasawur' (The Philosophy of Islamic-based Marketing: Islamic Worldview) followed by 'Prinsip Asas Pengurusan Bisnis Berteraskan Islam' (Basic Principles of Islamic-based Business Management). Her lecture was then followed by the second presenter, Norazilawati regarding 'Perilaku Komsumen Halal'  (Halal Consumption Behaviour). The last lecture of the day was by Fazleen which was focused more on Retail Marketing.
A group photo at the end of the Focus Group Discussion.
The next day, on 17 February, both RISDEV students were involved in a focus group discussion with lecturers from the Faculty of Economics and Business together with ISDEV Alumni members. The presentation consisted of parts of their PhD research. Norazilawati presented her PhD thesis finding regarding 'Penilaian Semula Konsep Pengurusan Kualiti Makanan Halalan Tayyiban' (Re-Evaluation of the Halalan Tayyiban Food Quality Management Concept) while Fazleen presented her draft PhD thesis proposal regarding 'Pengurusan Jaringan Bekalan Hijau Berteraskan Islam'  (Islamic-based Green Supply Chain Management).
ISDEV Alumni, Dr.Teuku Meldi Kesuma (left) and lecturers from Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh giving some tips, ideas and suggestions of improvement on their PhD writings.
ISDEV lecturer with ISDEV Alumni conducted a lecture regarding "Pengurusan Insaniah Berteraskan Islam"
(Islamic-based Quality Human Management).
ISDEV delegates took the opportunity to explore the historic sites at Banda Aceh.
On 19 February 2017, it was time to explore and know about Banda Aceh pre and post tsunami. ISDEV delegates had the opportunity to visit and explore historic sites which were cruelly inundated by the colossal tidal wave, the tsunami on 26 December, 2004. The four places they were brought to visit were:
1. Kapal PLTD Apung
2. Museum Tsunami Aceh
3. Kapal Tsunami Lampulo
4. Pantai Lampuuk and Masjid Rahmatullah
ISDEV delegates ready to take off and fly back to Pulau Pinang.
