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Presenter of the seminar - Ustaz Muhaidir Hj Joll, Ustaz Dr. Engku Ahmad Fadzil Engku Ali and Ustaz Hj Hanafiah Abdul Razak
Nine strong entourage from ISDEV consisted of two ISDEV lecturers and seven ISDEV students participated in the "Seminar Pendidikan Fatwa dan Falak Peringkat Negeri Pulau Pinang" on 16th March 2017 at Pusat Islam, UiTM Pulau Pinang, Permatang Pauh Campus. This program was organized by Penang Mufti Department with cooperation Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Pulau Pinang. The aim of the seminar is to strengthen the role of the Penang Mufti department in carrying out the task to disseminate the understanding and results of Irsyad law and fatwa. 
ISDEV strong entourage: ISDEV students and Dr. Shahir Akram Hassan  participated in the seminar
Dr. Shahir Akram Hassan and Dr. Shukri Hanapi represent two ISDEV lecturers while Nik Liyana Mustapa @ Nik Daud, Noor Hamizah Johari, Nor Arini Abdullah, Halimatus Sa'adiah Yusoff, Nur Aida Athirah Sulaiman, Muhamad Shakir Abdul Sahood and Ahmad Hulaimi Ishak are the seven ISDEV students participated in the seminar. 
In action - Ustaz Hj Hanapiah Abdul Razak presented his paperwork at the seminar
Three paperwork presented on the one day seminar. The first paper work was presented by Ustaz Muhaidir Hj Joll regarding "Kekeliruan Umat: Inilah Jawapannya". The Second presenter was Ustaz Dr. Engku Ahmad Fadzil Engku Ali with his topic entitle "Pegangan Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah di Dalam Perkara-perkara Khilafiah". While the last presenter, Ustaz Haji Hanafiah Abdul Razak  presented his paper on "Isu-isu Falak Semasa".

Dr. Shahir Akram Hassan, Muhamad Shakir Abdul Sahood and Ahmad Hulaimi Ishak took a picture with Ustaz Anuar Ariffin (Third - Left), Ustaz Syeikh Mohd Firdaus Mohd Khalil (Third - Right) and UstazMohd Jais Anuar Ahmad (second - Right)
Indeed, within the one day seminar, ISDEV members did not only merely attend the seminar only but also gained so much information, knowledge and understanding on the Fatwa education and astronomy. The seminar is packed with presentation that was beneficial to ISDEV astronomy research team. Kudos!   
