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A photo session of the students and lecturers participated in both program
 As a realisation on the development of human aspects who are both physically and spiritually excellent, the Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV), Unversiti Sains Malaysia organised a hands-on human development programme for its MISDEV15.2 students (ISDEV Postgraduate Masters (Mixed-Mode) students). This programme is an annual programme that emphasizes on the practical aspect of human development as an enrichment to the theoretical aspects covered in the class in the third semester on Human Development (SVW502). At the same time, MISDEV 16.2 (ISDEV Postgraduate Masters (Mixed-Mode) students) has also organized a program called Tadabbur Alam in fulfilling the requirement of Islamic epistemology and Tasawwur course (SEW501). Both programmes were merged for the first time in ISDEV outdoor activities.

A photo session before departed to KEDA Resort Bendang Man, Sik
Kem Pembangunan Insaniah (KPI'17) was held from 12-14 May 2017 at KEDA Resort Bendang Man, Sik, Kedah. However, it is more special this year when KPI'17 was collaborated with Tadabbur Alam. The KPI'17 chose a theme of 'Membangun jiwa insani, Membentuk khalifah sejati' whereas the Tadabbur Alam that focused on Tasawur, Development and Community chose a theme of 'Membentuk Tasawur Melalui Tadabbur Alam'. A total of 38 people joined the camp comprised of ISDEV lecturers, ISDEV students and Airlangga University students (UNAIR).
En route to KEDA Resort - All the participants are cherish with some activities in their journey to Sik, Kedah.
KPI’17 consisted of four cores activities. First was Public Speaking which covered the delivering of tazkirah, khutbah, parliamentary debate and presentation. Second was for the brothers to practice their role as Imam and Bilal. Third, the Art and Ethics of Slaughtering Management and fourthly was the Art and Ethics of Corpse Management. All these four activities were conducted on the three consecutive days they were there. It is a blessing as students received valuable feedback and comments by the lectures as these activities enhanced their skills or knowledge on the fard ‘ain and fard kifayah at the same time.
The presentation of the the Art and Ethics of Corpse Management from MISDEV 15.2 and Epistemology and Tassawur Corpse Management from MISDEV 16.2
The practical part of corpse management

The presentation of  Slaughter management by MISDEV 15.2, Epistemology and Tasawur of Slaughter management by MISDEV 16.2 and Practical of Slaughtering
For Misdev 16.2 Tadabbur Alam programme, the core activities were divided into two namely theoretical and practical. The theoretical part involved the presentation of Islamic Epistemology and Tasawwur that consist of a forum titled 'Tasawur GST', and the presentation regarding epistemology and Tasawwur of Slaughter management. Meanwhile, the practical part is the Tadabbur Alam that observed the nature resources such as bee, water, leaf, and soil.

Activities of Tazkirah, Khutbah, Forum by Misdev 16.2,  and Parliament Debate by Misdev 15.2

Tadabbur Alam and Recreational Activities
Apart from both programmes organized by Misdev 15.2 and Misdev 16.2 students, there was also a surprise planned by those students to celebrate Teacher's Day in advance. A video and cake have been presented during the closing ceremony as an appreciation to all the ISDEV lecturers.
Closing ceremony by Deputy Director of ISDEV, Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad and Teacher's Day Celebration 2017 
Both programme was successfully conducted due to the high commitment and relentless efforts by all those involved before, during and after the programme. All the programmes signified the hard work of everyone, ISDEV lecturers, students and staffs. It is hoped that everyone gained a lot of experience, knowledge and skills with resoluteness to be a more committed person spiritually and physically to Islam and fulfilling as a strong ukhuwwah (brotherhood). Alhamdulillah! 
