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On 6 October 2017, three RISDEV students finally presented their thesis in ISDEV Graduate Discourse at Dewan Kuliah A. The three of them are Sharinizam Mohd Amin, Khairul Bariyah Othman and Mohammad Zulfakhairy Mokhtar.

Shahrinizam shows his mastery in the field of management of educational institutions
The first candidate, Sharinizam Mohd Amin presented his thesis titled “Kepuasan IBu Bapa Terhadap Penentu Pemilihan Institusi Pendidikan Islam Swasta: Kajian Kes Institusi Pendidikan Menengah Ikram Musleh”. Sharinizam is under the supervision of Dr Fadzila Azni Ahmad and his thesis was evaluated by Associate Professsor Dr Zakaria Bahari. 

Khairul Bariyah is confident with her thesis findings
Meanwhile, Khairul Bariyah Othman presented her thesis on ”Konsep Niat Berteraskan Islam dalam Tingkah Laku Kepatuhan Zakat Pendapatan”. Khairul Bariyah is under the supervision of Dr Fadzila Azni Ahmad and her thesis was evaluated by Dr Mohd Shukri Hanapi that were represented by Dr Mohd Syakir Mohd Rosdi.

Zulfakhairy in his calm action during his presentation
The last candidate, Mohammad Zulfakhairy presented his thesis with the title “Pengaruh Niat Terhadap Tingkah Laku Berwakaf Tunai dalam Kalangan Muslim di Pulau Pinang”. His thesis was examined by Dr Fadzila Azni Ahmad and he is under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr Zakaria Bahari.

Dr Fadzila Azni giving comments on Mohammad Zulfakhairy thesis 
All of them received positive feedback from the examiners and allowed to proceed for submission their final draft for viva voce.

Congratulations Sharinizam, Khairul Bariyah and Zulfakhairy on your success.
