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Banner for The 1st KAPPI
On 15 January 2019, 50 delegates from ISDEV left for an academic trip to Medan, Indonesia. They were there to participate in an academic gathering as well as make a visit to several interesting places nearby. The academic trip was led by ISDEV Director, Associate Professor Dr. Zakaria Bahari with the programme chairman Dr. Azreen Hamiza Abdul Aziz with another four ISDEV lecturers, Dr. Shahir Akram Hassan, Dr. Mohd Syakir Mohd Rosdi, Dr. Azrin Ibrahim and Dr. Murni yusoff. The five days academic trip included a two days academic gatherings jointly organized by ISDEV, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) and Universitas Medan Area (UMA).

Upon arrival: Lunch at the Restaurant Telaga Ikan, Kualanamu, Medan
ISDEV trip to Medan is an annual academic trip but this time around, this academic trip has been given a special face lift with the introduction on the 1st International Conference on Politic of Islamic Development (KAPPI). The international conference was held on 16-17 January 2018. It took place at the post-graduate campus 1 of Universitas Medan Area (UMA) located in Jalan Kolam, Medan, Indonesia. With the theme on The Rule of Human Rights and Norm in Politic of Islamic Development, a total number of 70 participants (44 participants from Malaysia and 26 participants from Indonesia) presented their working papers in the 1st KAPPI.

The colours of KAPPI: The first day of KAPPI at the Universitas Medan Area, Campus 1, Medan, Indonesia
The 1st KAPPI started with the opening ceremony by the Rector of UMA, Prof. Dr. HA Yakub Matondang. Also at present was UMA Vice Rector I, Dr. Heri Kusmanto, UMA Vice Rector II, Dr. Hjh Siti Mardiana, UMA Vice Rector III, Ir. H. Zulheri Noer, UMA Vice Rector IV, Prof. H. Zulkarnain Lubis and Director of UMA Post Graduate Studies Prof. Dr. Retna Astuti Kuswardani. The session continues with two keynote speakers and discussion from invited speakers throughout the first day of the conference. The first keynote delivered by Dr. Ahmad Taufik Damanik, the commissioner of National Commision on Human Right (Komnas HAM) on Hak Asasi Manusia dan Posisi Masyarakat Islam while the second keynote was delivered by Dedi Iskandar Batubara, member of the regional representative council (DPD), North Sumatera on Eksistensi DPD dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Ilmu Agama di Indonesia.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zakaria and all the invited speakers received their token of appreciation after their presentations
The invited speakers were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zakaria Bahari presented on the topic entitle Peranan Zakat dalam Pembangunan Islam di Malaysia, Dr. Heri Kusmanto on the topic of Peranan Masyarakat Sivil Islam dalam Politik Pembangunan Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Retna Astuti Kuswardani on Peranan dan Norma Pembangunan Islam di Indonesia dan Dr. Warjio on the topic title, Isu dan Peluang Politik Islam di Indonesia.

Presenters and participants of KAPPI 1
The academic gatherings continued on the second day of KAPPI where all ISDEV students have the chance to present their research papers. There were two concurrent session during morning and afternoon sessions. The presenters were divided into four seminar rooms with different themes. The conference was attended by 120 participants including both ISDEV, USU and UMA students and lecturers.

Group photo of the extended family of ISDEV, UMA and USU at KAPPI 1
In the fourth day, ISDEV delegates visited some famous tourist attractions such as Istana Maimun, Medan, Masjid Raya, the famous ‘Pasar Ikan’ or ‘Pajak Ikan’ and a few book stores to fulfil the enthusiasm of travelling in Medan. The trip was also packed with both intellectual and spiritual inputs. ISDEV members also performed the Subuh, Maghrib and Isya’ prayers congregationally followed by tazkirah session from ISDEV Alumni in Medan.

ISDEV delegates visited some famous tourist attractions in Medan
ISDEV delegates returned to their hometown on 19th January 2018 and touched down at Pulau Pinang International Airport at 8.45 pm. The five-day academic cum spiritual trip was a true success. Alhamdulillah, it allowed and enabled all the delegates to experience a whole new perspective on being a traveler (musafir) and the strong ukhuwwah felt among one another was sealed further during this academic trip.

 Dinner at Wang Solo with ISDEV Alumni

Dinner Invitation by Ikatan Mahasiswa MAP-UMA

Silaturrahmi at ISDEV Alumni house hosted by Dr. Heri Kusmanto

ISDEV Student at Universitas Medan Area (UMA)

KAPPI Committee members: Political Economy Students from Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU)

Memorable group photo of ISDEV extended family in Medan, Indonesia
